Since using Linux, Mozilla crashes on me an average of 3 times a day especially if I am surfing multiple things at the same time. Since my work uses browsing alot, I wanted to kick this dinosaur's balls out of frustration. I have been mulling over using Safari instead but I knew that they did not offer it for Linux OS.
Because I am too hard headed, I was curious if Safari would run in Linux. So what if they didn't write one for Linux?!? I figured maybe it would work using an emulator. And maybe it would be faster than Mozilla without the crashing.
So I went to trusty Google and lo and behold! Two websites taught me how to install it using Wine as the emulator and Terminal (the sudo can be challenging without Ctrl+C and Right click paste). I felt giddy as I clicked on Wine and found the blue compass of Safari.
As I click on the icon, it was disappointing to note that it was slow. Way slower than Mozilla. Too slow. If it was any slower my mac would've been fixed by the time it opened the National Geographic website. I give up.
So here I am, in an internet cafe trying to finish this entry amid all the noise and distractions from other users. *sigh*
0 tried to make D happier:
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