Everyone has it. And I am no exception.
My life is generally an open book. Most people know that...
I had to go to therapy.
I had a difficult childhood.
I had been taken advantaged.
I was a good liar, cheater, and thief.
I make poor, if not terrible, choice with men.
I was in sex, drugs, and alcohol. Rock n’ roll not much.
I was rebellious, indifferent, vice loving, biatch without a heart.
These are things that I do not hide. Some are highly overrated while most I would rather forget.
But out of all the things that people know, I hold one deep dark secret. A secret that I try to forget but on the quietest moments of my days it resurfaces it self like a phantom. I try to run from it catches up on me refusing to let me forget. It is a secret that cannot and should not be forgotten. Because if I do, shit would happen.
Shit had happened once. And it was excruciating to go through the psychological torment and guilt. And so this deep dark secret is something I can’t just shrug my shoulder on. Because of it, I am veered into being responsible.
kape_atbp | August 20, 2008 at 9:40 AM
hmmm...even with all your deep dark secrets and even if you are made up of secrets (secret agent??) i still love you. :) maybe you feel much better now, i hope. ._.
D | August 20, 2008 at 12:47 PM
waaa! you're first post. like ever!!! :D thanks hon. I love you!