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older ≠ wiser

When I was a kid and didn’t get what I wanted from my parents it was those times that I hate being a kid. I couldn’t wait to grow up. In our oldest house in Manila I would lock myself in the bathroom stare at my reflection in the mirror and tiptoe. I wanted to be bigger. I wanted to be older. I wanted to be a grown up.

Now that I am, I think being a grown up is overrated. While I love the shoes, the clothes, the staying up late, occasional alcohol consumption and parties; growing up means being responsible. 

Two days ago Kitty Kat turned 20 and last Friday we had quite a talk about making the right choices no matter how painful, marriage, decisions. As much as I am happy for her, inside I cringe that she is going to be emotionally beaten up, mentally mashed, and psychologically challenged by the adversities of life. I have a decade of head start from her, and the sister instinct in me often kicks in to protect her and keep her a baby forever. I know it’s wrong. Which is why I curb it. And it sucks. But it’s part of being a grown up. Which makes it suck some more.

Tanduay Girl and I recently had a lengthy chat. She was sharing to me things like being swindled by her accountant and wanting to find her and bury her alive. I understand her anger completely. Not only did that accountant make her owe a six figure amount from the government, my older sister’s integrity is put into question as her workers would most likely think she is just scamming them with the deductions they received in their paychecks. 

There are so many things we want to have and to be when we grow up. So many times have we said “when I grow up, I’d...” and we would be full of hope and the faith that it is going to happen. Back then we don’t really had a broad concept of how vast our choices would be. And while the decisions we have to make now have multiplied like cockroaches, the price we have to pay seem steeper. If we were only spanked when we did wrong as children, as adults we are expected to be responsible without any questions asked. Otherwise, pay the consequences.

Why is it when we grow up and become a jackass, the people around us get affected more? My brother, the 3rd Mate, has become some sort of jackass. Having a job that pays well, being well travelled, or probably just being himself has made him so narcissistic and selfish at the same time would not listen to anybody as he does the porcupine dance with his ex. Eventually, he will crash and burn. I tell myself that. In as much as I do not want it to come true, inside I pine for him to hurt and hurt really really bad. This is wrong, very wrong. But deep inside, I want him to pay some sort of retribution for being self-serving. He badly needs help to pull his head off his ass. Permanently.

It’s quite baffling that some people can live so free, or have retained their sense of childlike wonder. They’ve grown up but managed to be hopeful, sincere, and loving. I always thought of myself dark and twisted, as if my soul and heart has been scarred so much there is nothing left but my ego. I always thought that living my life is consequence on itself alone. And while it may seem I am indifferent, I realize that I am still growing up. Being twenty-something, thirty-something, or forty-something doesn’t make one a life-Yoda. So even if being a grown-up can be (at times) over rated, the shoes, the cute & hot guys, the parties, and the pay checks makes it fun.


2 tried to make D happier:

  • Anonymous | April 29, 2009 at 4:27 PM

    dearest cuz, we are dark and twisted because our families have done us the favour of showing us the real world and real side of people. i have a friend who is always soft and fuzzy towards people (and thinks that humanity is excellent and praiseworthy) and she consistently gets &*^ up the arse. daily, i meet people whose innocence (er, naivite) allows them to believe that things and people are as they seem. dolts! so, i am thankful for the skepticism. i really do think it does me good. nothing is as it seems, and there are messages between every line. thank you thank you family!

    on growing up and being an adult... a reoccurring theme of the past week. being an adult means discovering a world of possibilities, and realising that they are not really all yours for the taking. ha ha. which for me means, i cannot buy one in every colour. i cannot have everything i desire. i cannot do everything i want to do. and i cannot eat every thing my palate craves.


    (just wait til you have children. then protective instincts really kick in).

  • D | April 30, 2009 at 1:25 PM

    thanks Cuz. i think i am in the waiting list on the children area. but given my adult-ness and virtues are still low i think i'll forever be in the list and waiting.