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The past few weeks I had been very busy with being a manager for two positions. Lately, the number of people I am required to hire have increased as the owner of Bamm Bamm is doing a re-org and at the same time most positions are being outsourced here. 

After sifting through 600, and I mean SIX FREAKING HUNDRED, applications the last four weeks I can’t take it anymore. I wanted to play hooky. But I’m too tired to doll up. I needed instant gratification. I needed a quick fix just to help me cope with the stress. The only thing I can think of that would help me chill by just investing on my fingers was surfing the world wide web. Boringly simple but at least I didn’t have to light a stick, or sweat on a yoga mat, or deplete my stock of Zs.

So off I went to Web Land and guess what I found!!! There’s an online engine that donates to your favorite charity or school. You can even shop from there and they’ll donate too. So I am adding GoodSearch on one of my favorite sites. 

Nways... while I was at that page I thought of searching for PETA. I’m not vegetarian as most of my friends say. I just don’t eat four-legged animals.  Eating chicken is a pain because I don’t want to eat chicken but Cebu loves their meat and I am out of options. Going back to my 10 minute pleasure surfing I found another site.

Now this site, is not for the weak of heart and stomach. I was horrified after watching Pamela Anderson’s coverage on. I cannot believe how these people can raise chickens that way - chock-full, poor light, poor ventilation, no veterinary services! I have raised my own chicken inside our house and clearly these poultry farm owners have no respect whatsoever to life. They only see money. The part where the people were stomping and throwing live chickens on the wall made me so angry I wanted to shout at them to stop. But because I couldn’t I ended up crying instead. Poor chickens! Chickens have personalities! Like cats, pigs, dogs, cows, and humans. I snort at people who say that it’s just instincts because I’ve raised my own piglet at home named Angelique and my own chick at home named Chickadee and witnessed first had that if the animals like them are treated with love and respect they return it too.

Growing up in the farm, killing chickens wasn't really bothersome. We treated them kindly, and every afternoon we would visit them, some afternoons I would play them some Mozart. And so when it was time to kill them and sell them to the market, I believe that they were doing a willing sacrifice for my family to have money. Even if it would hurt me every time each chicken throat was slit, I believed deep in my heart they are happy, even Chikadee's. 

After watching that video I swore off eating chicken not just in KFC. It made me realize that some people bite, stomp, throw at the wall, and even curse the hand (or chicken for this matter) that feeds them. Because I do not know how the meat I buy in the market was treated, I don't want the cruel animal owners to continue to make money and buy more animals which will just be maltreated. 

I don't eat four legged animals for health and environmental reasons, I won't eat two legged animals for ethical reasons. I’m going to maintain a strict pesco-vegetarian diet, until scientists can come up with a conclusive study that even sea creatures feel pain.


0 tried to make D happier: