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some inevitables

Allow me to have a bitch fit, please. Two things have been getting into my nerves for a couple of days now.
First of, I am not a fan of DST. It’s not some band, it’s Daylight Saving Time. Don’t get me wrong ...I love the sun, but all this sunshine is affecting my sleep. I wake up at two AM so I have to sleep earlier than normal 9-5 workers. It’s not easy to sleep when it’s so bright outside and the sun is beckoning you to go out. Seven in the evening seems like five and my housemates say it’ll get worse on June... 10PM and the sun is still there. How nice. Not! All this brightness is affecting my circadian rhythm. I end up sleeping late and feeling tired.
The other thing is the cold. Can someone please fix the air conditioning outside??? It’s waaaaaay too cold. -18 on a sunny day, ugh! Yeah, it’s sunny outside but it’s f*cking cold. It’s even colder now than the day after it snows. Wearing two socks when I go to bed is not even helping my valiant efforts to go to bed early.
Okay, since I have whined about that I’ll try not to bring it up again. Just to be perfectly clear, I said “I’ll try” not “I won’t”.

0 tried to make D happier: